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东师战“疫” | 教师教育研究前沿(一)

把握国际动态· 聚焦学术前沿· 助力教师成长

前  言









Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?

Linda Darling-Hammond

Stanford University School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

ABSTRACT: This article describes teacher education in jurisdictions around the world that have well-developed systems for teacher development. It examines teacher education policies and practices in Australia (with a focus on Victoria and New South Wales), Canada (with a focus on Alberta and Ontario), Finland and Singapore within the context of recruitment, preparation, induction, ongoing professional development and collective improvement of practice. It compares these practices with those in the United States, and evaluates challenges countries face in transforming their teacher development systems.


Linda Darling-Hammond.Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?[J].European Journal of Teacher Education, 2017,40:3, 291-309.

















究竟怎样才能具体判断师范生的从教准备度?这一直是一个难以回答的问题。本论文基于师范生的素质发展标准(11项),运用了实证研究方法,考察了师范生的各项素质发展状况,并从四个维度(教学、课程、实践和示范)揭示了师范生能力素质发展状况与教师教育的关系,论文对思考如何落实 “产出导向”和改进教师培养等具有思考价值。


Are they ready to teach? Student teachers’ readiness for the job with reference to teacher competence frameworks

Zulaikha Mohamed , Martin Valcke ,Bram De Wever

Department of Educational Studies, Ghent university, Ghent, Belgium

ABSTRACT: This is the first report in a series of studies concerning student teachers’ readiness-for-the-job, defined by a framework of 11 international teacher competences (ITCs). Attaining readiness-forthe-job is connected to four characteristics of teacher education, namely; (1) employing the ITCs in day-to-day teaching in initial teacher education, (2) integrating the ITCs in the curricula of teaching programmes, (3) exercising the ITCs through practicum at schools and (4) by teacher educators modelling the ITCs. In the present study, a student sample from four teacher education colleges (n = 226) was surveyed to explore the extent to which students felt ready-for-thejob. The study outlines the degree to which the characteristics of teacher education are associated with student teachers’ readinessfor-the-job. The results identify the critical areas to be developed in these prospective teachers before they can actually become readyfor-the-job, and especially the central role of their teacher educators in shaping their professional competence.


Zulaikha Mohamed, Martin Valcke & Bram De Wever. Are they ready to teach? Student teachers’ readiness for the job with reference to teacher competence frameworks[J].Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy , 2017(4):151-170.





《教师教育杂志》是美国教师教育协会会刊,在美国SSCI 数据库教育类期刊中具有很高的影响因子,是美国教师教育研究的官方核心期刊。探究性学习一直是我们所倡导的教学方式,如何更好地在教学中使用探究性学习活动一直是我们教学研究的关注点。文章探讨了教师关于教育、自我和教学情境的信念对教师使用探究性学习活动的影响。通过阅读和思考,能让我们更好地了解探究性学习的含义,更好地结合自己的学科使用探究性学习活动。


Teachers’ Adoption of Inquiry -based Learning Activities: The Importance of Belief About Education, the Self, and the Context

Michiel Voet , Bram De Wever

Ghent university, Ghent, Belgium

ABSTRACT: Even though studies have shown that the impact of professional development on inquiry –based learning (IBL) tends to remain limited when it fails to consider teachers’ beliefs, there is little known about how these beliefs influence teacher’s adoption of IBL. In answer to this issue, the present study offers a framework that explains teachers’ use of IBL through three constitutive dimensions of beliefs systems, covering the constructs of education, the self, and the context. This framework is empirically investigated through a survey study with 536 secondary school history teachers. The resulting data are used to estimate a structural equation model (SEM), which indicates that the framework is able to explain a relatively large portion (38%) of the variance in teachers’ decision to implement IBL. Based on the findings, the implications for professional development and research on teachers’ use of IBL in general, and within history education in particular, are discussed.


Michiel V., Dram D. W.. Teachers’ Adoption of Inquiry -based Learning Activities: The Importance of Belief About Education, the Self, and the Context[J]. Journal of Teacher Education, 2019,70(5):423-440.








谷晓沛 马云鹏 解书

东北师范大学教育学部  鞍山师范学院教育科学与技术学院









  二是这篇论文整体设计严谨。根据上面所说的理论模型,有两个变量(unusual aspects of mathematical subject matter knowledge 和 knowledge of categories of students)对教师的诊断素养有影响,因此选择对这两个变量进行干预。干预过程中所使用的材料有Hadjidemetriou and Williams (2002a)的研究结果做依据。由此可见这个研究的干预变量和干预材料的选择都有理有据,非常严谨。



Improving the judgment of task difculties: prospective teachers’ diagnostic competence in the area of functions and graphs

Andreas Ostermann1 ,Timo Leuders1 ,Matthias Nu ¨ckles

Pa ¨dagogische Hochschule Freiburg , Universita ¨t Freiburg

ABSTRACT: To teach adaptively, teachers should be able to take the students’ level of knowledge into account. Therefore, a key component of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is the ability to assume the students’ perspectives. However, due to the so-called expert blind spot, teachers tend to misestimate their students’ knowledge, such as when estimating the difculty of a given task. This empirically well-documented estimation bias is predicted by Nickerson’s anchoring and adjustment model, which generally explains how people take on other people’s perspectives. In this article, we present an intervention study that aims to improve the accuracy of prospective teachers’ judgments of task difculty in the area of functional thinking. Two types of treatments are derived from Nickerson’s model. In the rst condition (PCK group), participants acquire knowledge about task characteristics and students’ misconceptions. The second condition (sensitizing group) serves to control the idea that potential improvements in the PCK group are not merely based on a pure sensitization of the expert’s estimation bias. Accordingly, these participants are only informed about the general tendency of overestimating task difculties. The results showed that the PCK group improved both in terms of the accuracy of the estimated solution rates and the accuracy of rank order, whereas the sensitizing group only improved in regard to the former. Thus, the study shows that prospective teachers’ diagnostic judgments can be improved by teaching them relevant PCK in a short amount of time.


Ostermann, A., Leuders, T. & Nuckles, M.. Improving the judgment of task difficulties: prospective teachers’ diagnostic competence in the area of functions and graphs[J].Journal of Math Teacher Ecuc, 2018,21: 579-605.








Science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials

Durdane Bayram-Jacobs,Ineke Henze,Maria Evagorou,Yael Shwartz,Elin Leirvoll Aschim,Silvia Alcaraz-Dominguez,Mario Barajas,Etty Dagan

Radboud University,Delft University of Technology, University of Nicosia, Weizmann Institute of Science, University of South-Eastern Norway, University of Barcelona

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to provide insight into shortterm professionalization of teachers regarding teaching socioscientific issues (SSI). The study aimed to capture the development of science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for SSI teaching by enacting specially designed SSI curriculum materials. The study also explores indicators of stronger and weaker development of PCK for SSI teaching. Thirty teachers from four countries (Cyprus, Israel, Norway, and Spain) used one module (30–60 min lesson) of SSI materials. The data were collected through: (a) lesson preparation form (PCK-before), (b) lesson reflection form (PCK-after), (c) lesson observation table (PCK-in-action). The data analysis was based on the PCK model of Magnusson, Krajcik, and Borko (1999). Strong development of PCK for SSI teaching includes “Strong interconnections between the PCK components,”“Understanding of students’ difficulties in SSI learning,”“Suggesting appropriate instructional strategies,” and “Focusing equally on science content and SSI skills.” Our findings point to the importance of these aspects of PCK development for SSI teaching. We argue that when professional development programs and curriculum materials focus on developing these aspects, they will contribute to strong PCK development for SSI teaching. The findings regarding the development in the components of PCK for SSI provide compelling evidence that science teachers can develop aspects of their PCK for SSI with the use of a single module. Most of the teachers developed their knowledge about students' understanding of science and instructional strategies. The recognition of student difficulties made the teacher consider specific teaching strategies which are in line with the learning objectives. There is an evident link between the development of PCK in instructional strategies and students' understanding of science for SSIteaching.


Bayram‐Jacobs, D., Henze, I., Evagorou, M., Shwartz, Y., Aschim, E. L., Alcaraz‐Dominguez, S., ... & Dagan, E.. Science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials[J]. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2019,56(9):1207-1233.







Structure and development of pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge

Stefan Sorge, Jochen Kröger, Stefan Petersen and Knut Neumann

Department of Physics Education, Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Olshausenstraße 62, Kiel, Germany

ABSTRACT : Teachers’ professional knowledge is considered one of the most important predictors of instructional quality. According to Shulman, such professional knowledge includes content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge. Although recent research shed some light on the structure of the dimensions of professional knowledge, little is known how teacher education impacts pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge. In an effort to address this issue, we examined the content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge of N= 200 pre-service physics teachers enrolled in different years of teacher education at 12 major teacher education universities in Germany. We used structural equation modelling (1) to examine the relations amongst pre-service physics teachers’ content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge, (2) to explore how the three kinds of knowledge and their relations differ across different stages of teacher education and (3) to identify factors affecting the level of each component of professional knowledge. Our findings suggest that content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge represent distinct types of knowledge. Furthermore, our findings show that in the first years of professional education, pedagogical content knowledge is more closely related with general pedagogical knowledge while in later years, it is more closely related with content knowledge, suggesting that it develops from a general knowledge about teaching and learning into knowledge about the teaching and learning of specific content. Finally, beyond school achievement and years of enrolment as predictors, we find in particular the amount of classroom observations to have a positive impact on the professional knowledge of pre-service physics teachers.


Stefan Sorge, Jochen Kröger, Stefan Petersen & Knut Neumann . Structure and development of pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge[J], International Journal of Science Education, 2019,41:7, 862-889.





  通过以“音乐教师教育”为检索词在scopus检索国际相关研究,综合被引频次和论文相关度等因素选取了本篇论文。该论文以调查职前音乐教师教育有效性为目的,通过对76位中学音乐教师入职前三年在教学中运用知识与技能的情况进行问卷调查。运用重要性-绩效分析(Importance–Performance Analysis (IPA))的方法探究音乐教师教育过程中的重要因素。该论文在理论框架和分析方法上为我国音乐教师教育研究提供了参考与借鉴。


Effectiveness of preservice music teacher education programs: Perceptions of early-career music teachers

Julie Ballantynea and Jan Packerb aAustralian Catholic University of Technology, Australia by Queensland University of Technology, Australia

ABSTRACT :The quality of teaching in schools is directly linked to the quality of preservice preparation that teachers receive. This is particularly important in the area of music teacher education, given the unique challenges that classroom music teachers commonly face. This paper reports on research designed to investigate the knowledge and skills that early-career music teachers perceive to be necessary to function effectively in the classroom, and their perceptions of the effectiveness of current teacher education programs in preparing them to teach secondary classroom music. Questionnaires were completed by 76 secondary classroom music teachers in their rst three years of teaching in Queensland, Australia. Importance–Performance Analysis was used to determine those areas of the preservice course that constituted a high priority for attention. The ndings suggest that preservice teachers need increased support in their development of pedagogical content knowledge and skills, and non-pedagogical professional content knowledge and skills. This research provides an empirical basis for reconceptualising music teacher education courses and raises important issues that music teacher educators need to address in order to ensure that graduates are adequately prepared for classroom music teaching.


Julie Ballantyne & Jan Packer.Effectiveness of preservice music teacher education programs: Perceptions of early-career music teachers[J], Music Education Research,2004, 6:3, 299-312.












摘要:强化体育教师教育的实践品性,切实提高未来体育教师的专业实践能力,是当前我国体育教师教育改革的核心问题和当务之急。全面阐释了 我国体育师范生专业实践能力缺失的表征、实质和根源,从实践哲学的维度对体育教师的实践性格进行了解析,并从专业实践的视角对新时期体育 教师教育范式转型的规律与趋向进行了探讨。提出强化体育教师教育实践品性的具体策略:创设U-S体育教师教育共同体,构建体育教师培养的协 同创新机制;构建“全程实践”体育教师教育模式,促进师范生田野学习的制度化和经常化;以实践能力培养为导向,在体育理论教学中形成知识学 习与实践能力的双重建构;超越经验性、技术化实践观,在实践类课程中加强以理论为指导的反思性实践等。




